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Derived from TsgDXFPolylineDescription
ArrowsThe property indicates the list that contains coordinates of dimension line arrowheads.
EndWidthThe property sets or gets default end width .
GlobalWidthThe property sets or gets GlobalWidth for polyline.
IsMeshMClosedThe property returns true is the MeshM is closed.
IsMeshNClosedThe property returns true is the MeshN is closed.
IsPolyFaceMeshThe property determines whether the polyline is polygon mesh.
IsPolygonMeshThe property determines whether the polyline is polygon mesh.
MeshMThe property indicates instance of the TsgLines object containing information about line type.
MeshNThe property indicates polygon mesh M vertex count (default = 0).
PolyFaceVertexIndexesThe property displays polygon mesh N vertex count.
PolyLineEntitiesThe property indicates features of the pen used for drawing polyline.
StartWidthThe property indicates the list contains indexes of a polyface mesh vertexes.
Derived from TsgCADBasePolylineDescription
ClosedThe property gets or sets a value indicating whether a polyline is closed.
DottedPointsThe property gets a point specified by Index parameter from the TsgCADBasePolyline.DottedSingPts list.
DottedSingPtsThe property gets coordinates of the polyline points as a list of pointers to TFPoint.If a value of IsSolid property is True, DottedSingPts contains a value of Polypoints property.
FlagsThe property gets or sets a value of polyline flag (bit-coded), default is 0.
IsPolyZThicknessThe property gets a value indicating whether the polyline has thickness on OZ axis.
PointsThe property gets a point from the PolyPoints list by its index.
PolyPointsThe property gets a list of points that belong to the polyline.
Derived from TsgDXFPenLineDescription
ExtrusionThe property indicates direction to local axis z.
LineTypeThe property returns line type the TsgDXFLineType entity.
PointThe poroperty contains coordinates for the base point.
ZThickThe property contains offset by Z axis (Thickness in AutoCAD terms).
Derived from TsgDXFPenEntityDescription
PenThe property for reaching the TPen object, used for drawing.
Derived from TsgDXFEntityDescription
BoxThe property determines the 3d box embraced the entity.
ColorThe property gets or sets entity color.
ColorCADThe property gets or sets a color for drawing entities.
ComplexThe property determines whether a entity is populated with child entities.
ConverterThe property returns the TsgDXFConverter class object.
CountThe property indicates the total number of child entities.
EntitiesThe property lists all child entities.
EntTypeThe property indicates type of an entity.
HandleThe property is used for finding entity links.
LayerThe property points to layer, containing given primitive if this layer is given.
LineTypeThe property sets and gets line type for an entity.
LineTypeScaleThe property sets and gets the Linetype scale.
LineWeightThe property sets or gets line weight in millimeters.
PaperSpaceThe property indicates Model Space and Paper Space entity segregation.
SrcEndThe property indicates end position of the entity description in the source CAD file.
SrcStartThe property indicates start position of the entity description in the source CAD file.
VisibilityThe property sets and gets entities visibility.
VisibleThe property determines whether the component appears onscreen.